Lyon Valley Northern

This site is designed to promote the hobby of ferroequinology. It also provides an opportunity to show the development of the "Lyon Valley Northern": an HO railroad featuring CN and BNSF action in the West. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments at

My Photo
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Sunday, September 23, 2012

FNG East Enders Ops Session Sept 2012

Well it is another fall start to the FNGer's operations sessions.  I was happy to Host, Fred, John, Jim, Joel, Mike and a guest Ryan.  We ran the standard set of trains which included the Richmond Turn, the Way Freight, the Coal Drag, and the Grain Train.  The session ran smoothly and everyone had a great time.  Of course post ops we had a good chat in the crew lounge along with our standard fair: Fresh Cheese Curds, Coffee Cake, Beer, and Pop.  Enjoy this video compilation of the night's action.
For Ryan it was a great opportunity to learn the ropes from Mike Hamer.  For an 11 year old, he showed great maturity and displayed great throttle control skills.  Mike expanded his knowledge of switching and train handling and really enjoyed his time teaching him on the LVN.  It is good to see the youth in our hobby will carry on our love of trains.

Next week it is off to the Boston and Maine.  Have a great week and I will keep you all posted.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Another Railway Season begins

Well it is that time of year again when the FNGers will be getting together to operate on Friday Nights.  Michel Boucher's ops group, Fred's garden railway, Tom's Canadian Northern and Bill's Sn3 will sure keep me busy this fall.  Also tonight is so it will be a fine night of dining as well as a railfan presentation.  Also the SLD of the NMRA Canada will soon be under way.